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Abolition of Mandatory Death Penalty Bill passed by the Malaysian Parliament
Dewan Rakyat passes bill to abolish mandatory death penalty
Dewan passes amendments to abolish mandatory death penalty
Minister: Death sentence will still exist after abolition of mandatory sentence
IN A MINUTE: Malaysia moves to scrap mandatory death penalty #shorts
South East Asia's Battle for the Abolition of the Death Penalty: A Multilayer Approach
Dr Wee: There should not be a blanket approval to abolish mandatory death penalty
Malaysian lawmakers move to scrap mandatory death penalty and natural-life sentences
Anwar: I support the move to abolish the mandatory death sentence
Courts will have option of life imprisonment instead of mandatory death sentence, says Ramkarpal
The Death Penalty Project: Professor Saul Lehrfreund MBE
Transparency and the Death Penalty - What’s to Hide?